Painting the Rainbow or Dancing with Rainbows in Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi

The “Painting the Rainbow” form is part of the Taichi Qigong Shibashi, a series of 18 exercises that combine elements of Tai Chi and Qigong to promote health and relaxation.

tree sky rainbow

Physical Movements

Here’s a step-by-step guide on the physical movements and breathing for this form:

  1. Starting Position:
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
    • Relax your arms by your sides.
    • Maintain an upright posture, with your head gently lifted as if by a string from the top.
  2. Movement:
    • Slowly raise your arms to the sides, palms facing downward, until they are at shoulder height.
    • As your arms rise, imagine painting a large rainbow in the sky.
    • Once your arms reach shoulder height, turn your palms upward, one arm stays at that height, other arm continue lifting above your head around 5 -10cm.
    • When the arms reach shoulder height, the head turns to face the arm that remains at shoulder level.
    • Form a gentle half arc above your head with your arm, resembling the shape of a rainbow.
    • The weight shifts to that side’s foot, and the hip moves in the same direction
    • Gently swap your arms in opposite direction.
    • As you complete painting the rainbow, slowly bring your arms down back to the starting position.


  • Inhale: As you raise your arms to the sides and up above your head, take a deep, slow breath in through your nose. Imagine drawing in fresh, positive energy.
  • Exhale: As you bring your arms down the centerline of your body, exhale slowly and fully through your nose (some Qigong teachers say through mouth), releasing any tension or negative energy.
  • As you sway from one side to another, when you move left side – inhale, right side – exhale.
  • Perform this movement and breathing pattern for several repetitions, focusing on the harmony between your movements and breath.


  • Visualization: While performing the movements, visualize a beautiful, colorful rainbow above you. It can be imagined as if you are painting a rainbow, dancing with a rainbow, and enjoying creating a rainbow. This enhances the meditative and calming effects of the exercise.
  • Slow and Smooth: Ensure your movements are slow, smooth, and continuous, matching the pace of your breathing.
  • Relaxation: Keep your body relaxed, focusing on the fluidity of the movement and the rhythm of your breath.

Flow of Chi

In “Painting the Rainbow,” a form of Taichi Qigong Shibashi, the flow of chi (qi) is guided through your body by the combination of physical movements, breathing, and mental focus. Here’s how chi flows during this exercise:

  1. Starting Position:
    • Chi State: At the beginning, chi is centered in the dantian (the body’s energy center located a few inches below the navel).
    • Mental Focus: Calm your mind and concentrate on your dantian, the source of your internal energy.
  2. Raising Arms (Inhale):
    • Chi Flow: As you raise your arms to the sides, chi flows from the dantian up through your torso and into your arms and hands.
    • Breathing: Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, imagining the chi rising with your breath.
    • Visualization: Picture the chi as a gentle, warm current moving upwards, energizing your entire upper body.
  3. Forming the Arc and the Book shelf (Inhale):
    • Chi Flow: When your arms reach shoulder height, turn your palms upward. Keep one arm at shoulder height stretched and as you hold the book on the palm and lift the other 2-4 inches above your head., chi flows continuously through your arms and hands, following the movement.
    • Breathing: Continue inhaling as your arms rise above your head, completing the rainbow arc.
    • Visualization: Visualize the chi creating a protective and colorful arc above you, spreading outwards like a rainbow.
  4. Bringing Arms Down (Exhale):
    • Chi Flow: As you turn your palms to face each other and bring your arms down, chi flows down from your hands, through your arms, back to the dantian.
    • Breathing: Exhale slowly and fully through your mouth, guiding the chi back down with your breath.
    • Visualization: Imagine the chi as a descending wave of energy, cleansing and relaxing your body as it returns to the dantian.

Tips for Enhancing Chi Flow

  • Concentration: Maintain a gentle focus on your dantian throughout the exercise. This helps regulate and concentrate your chi.
  • Relaxation: Keep your body relaxed to allow the chi to flow smoothly without obstruction.
  • Smooth Movements: Perform movements in a slow, continuous manner to synchronize with the natural flow of chi.
  • Deep Breathing: Coordinate your breath with your movements, using deep, slow inhalations and exhalations to guide chi flow.

By performing “Painting the Rainbow” with mindful awareness of your movements, breath, and chi, you enhance the circulation of energy throughout your body. This can lead to improved health, relaxation, and a sense of inner harmony.

Organs Affected

“Painting the Rainbow,” a movement in Taichi Qigong Shibashi, is designed to promote overall health by influencing specific organs and meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Here’s an exploration of how this exercise impacts the body’s organs and meridians:

  1. Liver:
    • Function: The liver is responsible for the smooth flow of qi (energy) and blood throughout the body. It also plays a role in emotional regulation.
    • Effect: The gentle, sweeping movements of “Painting the Rainbow” help to release tension and stagnation in the liver, promoting better energy circulation and emotional balance.
  2. Heart:
    • Function: The heart governs blood circulation and houses the mind (Shen), contributing to mental clarity and emotional stability.
    • Effect: The rhythmic, calming motions can soothe the heart, improve circulation, and enhance mental focus.
  3. Lungs:
    • Function: The lungs control respiration and play a crucial role in the distribution of qi and fluids.
    • Effect: Coordinated breathing with movement supports lung function, enhances respiratory health, and aids in the smooth distribution of qi.
  4. Spleen:
    • Function: The spleen is involved in digestion and the transformation and transportation of nutrients and qi.
    • Effect: The grounding and centering aspects of the exercise help to strengthen the spleen, aiding in digestion and energy balance.

Meridians Affected

  1. Liver Meridian:
    • Pathway: Runs from the big toe up the inside of the leg to the groin, abdomen, and chest.
    • Effect: The lateral arm movements help to stretch and open the liver meridian, improving the flow of liver qi and alleviating stress.
  2. Heart Meridian:
    • Pathway: Starts from the heart, travels down the arm, and ends at the little finger.
    • Effect: The overhead arc and downward motion stimulate the heart meridian, promoting circulation and emotional well-being.
  3. Lung Meridian:
    • Pathway: Begins in the chest, travels down the arm, and ends at the thumb.
    • Effect: The raising and lowering of the arms help open the lung meridian, supporting better breathing and qi distribution.
  4. Spleen Meridian:
    • Pathway: Runs from the big toe up the inside of the leg to the abdomen and chest.
    • Effect: The focus on grounding and stability during the exercise aids in strengthening the spleen meridian, enhancing digestion and energy assimilation.

How “Painting the Rainbow” Influences These Meridians and Organs

  1. Movement:
    • Raising Arms: As you lift your arms to the sides and then overhead, the movement stretches the liver and lung meridians, promoting a smooth flow of qi.
    • Forming the Arc: The gentle arc above your head stimulates the heart meridian, encouraging circulation and calming the mind.
    • Bringing Arms Down: The downward motion helps to ground energy, benefiting the spleen meridian and aiding in digestion and energy balance.
  2. Breathing:
    • Inhalation: As you raise your arms, a deep inhalation draws qi into the lungs, invigorating the lung and heart meridians.
    • Exhalation: Bringing your arms down while exhaling helps to release tension from the liver and spleen meridians, promoting relaxation and grounding.
  3. Visualization:
    • Mental Focus: Visualizing the rainbow arc can enhance the calming and balancing effects on the heart and liver, reducing stress and promoting emotional harmony.

“Painting the Rainbow” in Taichi Qigong Shibashi is a powerful exercise that benefits multiple organs and meridians. By performing this movement with mindful breathing and visualization, practitioners can enhance the flow of qi, support organ function, and achieve greater overall health and well-being. This exercise is a testament to the holistic approach of TCM, where physical movements, breath, and mental focus work together to balance the body’s energy systems.

visualisation for”Painting the Rainbow”

In a world often bustling with chaos and noise, there exists a serene sanctuary where the gentle art of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi flourishes. Nestled within the tranquil embrace of nature, individuals gather to embark on a journey of self-discovery and harmony. That’s where our story about the third movement of Qigong Shibashi, “Painting the Rainbow” begins.

Practicing “Painting the Rainbow” can help enhance your balance, coordination, and inner peace, contributing to overall physical and mental well-being.

In the tranquil setting of a lush green park, a group of individuals gathered under the morning sun, their movements fluid and graceful as they practiced Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi. Among them was Sarah, a woman who had recently embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Awakening the Spirit: Embracing the Colors of Life

As the gentle music played in the background, Sarah began the third movement of the Shibashi sequence, her arms raising up by her sides. One hand stayed shoulder-width apart, palm up, while the other hand traced a half rainbow above her head, palm facing down. In this simple yet profound movement, she felt a connection to something greater than herself.

From Earth to Sky: Harnessing the Power of Qi

The word “Bai Hui” echoed in her mind as she reached the apex of the rainbow, the point where Heaven, Earth, and Man converged. With each breath, she felt the calming effect of this powerful energy center, grounding her spirit and lifting her soul.

As Sarah continued her practice, her arms became brushes painting the rainbow, each movement a stroke of vibrant color across the canvas of the sky. With each sway of her body, she felt the strong connection with Earth Qi, grounding her to the earth’s energy and nourishing her from within.

With every shift of her weight from one leg to the other, Sarah felt the ebb and flow of energy, like a tree swaying its branches in the wind. She marveled at the intricate dance of balance, where strength and flexibility merged in perfect harmony.

Inhaling deeply as she moved to one side, Sarah felt the energy rise from the earth, flowing through her full-weighted leg and up through her body to the heavens above. As she exhaled and shifted to the other side, she felt the energy cascading down from the heavens, grounding her once again to the earth below.

The Dance of Balance: Finding Harmony Within

With each movement, Sarah felt a profound sense of peace and serenity washing over her. In the dance of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi, she found not only physical well-being but also a deep connection to the universe and to herself.

As the morning sun bathed the park in golden light, Sarah closed her eyes and embraced the beauty of the moment. In painting the rainbow with her movements, she discovered the true colors of life – vibrant, radiant, and full of infinite possibilities. And in dancing with rainbows, she found the path to healing, joy, and inner peace.

Metaphor for “Painting the Rainbow”

It`s like…

Transforming into artists of the unseen, bodies becoming the brushes and their movements the strokes that delicately weave the vibrant hues of vitality, harmony, and balance into the fabric of existence. With each graceful gesture, they evoke the essence of the rainbow, a symbol of hope, renewal, and the interconnectedness of all life. As they sway in rhythmic cadence, they channel the energies of Heaven and Earth, seamlessly blending yin and yang, and embodying the ancient wisdom that teaches us to find beauty and serenity amidst the ever-changing currents of life.
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