Shibashi Commence: The Sacred Movement of Realisation

In the timeless art of Tai Chi Shibashi, the first movement form known as Commence serves as the gateway to a world of harmony and tranquility. Through gentle, deliberate motions, practitioners embark on a journey of self-discovery and connection with the universe. Inspired by the subtle energies that flow through body and mind, our fictional story delves into the essence of Commence, exploring its profound teachings and guiding us on a path of inner peace and enlightenment. Join us as we step into the world of “Commence: The Sacred Movement of Realisation,” where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, and the spirit of Tai Chi Shibashi comes to life.

dawn commence form Shibashi

In the Heart of Tranquility

In the heart of a tranquil valley, where the mist caressed the emerald hills and the river whispered secrets of ages past, there dwelled a master of Tai Chi and Qigong known simply as Master Zhang. His humble abode, a modest cottage adorned with the symbols of peace and harmony, stood amidst a grove of ancient cherry blossoms, their delicate petals dancing in the gentle breeze.

Each morning, as the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of gold and pink, Master Zhang would step into his garden, a sanctuary of serenity amidst the chaos of the world. With slow, deliberate movements, he began his practice of Commence, the first form of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi 1.

Commencing Commence

As Master Zhang stood with feet firmly planted on the soft earth, he felt the energy of the land beneath him, a deep and ancient force that pulsed with life. With each breath, he drew this energy up through the Bubbling Spring points in his feet, feeling it course through his body like a river flowing to the sea.

His hands, resting at his sides, began to move, guided by the unseen currents of Qi that flowed through the universe. Like tendrils reaching for the sun, they rose slowly, palms facing downwards as if lifted by the very soil itself. In the palms of his hands, the Lao Gong or Palace of Toil points, opened wide, welcoming the energy of the Earth.

The Eternal Cycle of Qi

With each movement, Master Zhang felt the harmonious balance of yin and yang coming to life within him. As his hands reached chest height, he felt the energy of the earth and sky merging together, a dance of opposites in perfect harmony. Then, with a graceful arc, his hands descended, returning to the realm of yin, where darkness and stillness reigned.

And so, the cycle began anew, each movement flowing seamlessly into the next, like the ebb and flow of the tides or the rhythmic beating of a heart. With each repetition, Master Zhang felt himself becoming more attuned to the natural rhythms of the universe, his body and mind merging with the cosmic dance of existence.

Peace Amidst Chaos

As the sun rose higher in the sky and the world around him came to life, Master Zhang continued his practice, a silent witness to the beauty and wonder of creation. And as the day faded into night and the stars painted the sky with their shimmering light, he stood in quiet contemplation, a beacon of peace amidst the chaos of the world.

For in the practice of Commence, Master Zhang had found not only a way to cultivate his own inner harmony, but also a way to connect with the greater harmony of the universe itself. And in that connection, he found a sense of purpose and belonging that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

True Path in Life

And so, as the moon rose high in the sky and the world slept peacefully beneath its gentle glow, Master Zhang stood in the garden of his cottage, a guardian of the ancient wisdom of Tai Chi and Qigong, a keeper of the sacred flame of harmony and balance.

For in the dance of yin and yang, in the eternal cycle of creation and destruction, Master Zhang had found his true calling, his true path in life. And in that realization, he had found peace.

It’s like…

In the artful dance of Tai Chi Shibashi the “Commence” form, is like the breaking dawn, is the awakening of the spirit within. Just as the first light of day pierces the darkness, so too does this movement signal the beginning of a new journey. With each step forward, we leave behind the shadows of the past and embrace the promise of a new day. Like a seed planted in fertile soil, Commence is the germination of potential, the first stirrings of life reaching towards the sun. It is the moment when we take our first breath, filling our lungs with the essence of life itself, and setting our intentions for the path ahead. In this movement, we are reminded that every journey begins with a single step, and that within each new beginning lies the power to transform ourselves and the world around us.

Let’s seek peace and enlightenment through the Commence form of Shibashi!

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